Connecting Across the Divide: Navigating disagreements on sexuality, gender, and faith

Justin Lee

Worth 1.5 CEUs

Friday, April 12, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Family conflicts on any subject can be tricky to navigate, but disagreements about religious beliefs and LGBTQ identity can be especially challenging. These can be deeply personal, emotional subjects for your clients, and you may have strong views of your own that make it difficult to play an objective role.

In this presentation, learn practical techniques for helping clients navigate these sorts of questions. Discover strategies for addressing tension and fears on both sides, common pitfalls to avoid, and tips for opening the lines of communication, along with real-world examples of how to help families heal even when they disagree.

About Justin Lee

Justin Lee has been successfully bridging cultural divides for over 25 years. He first developed his strategic dialogue techniques while working at the difficult intersection of faith and LGBTQ issues, where he became internationally known for helping heal family and community rifts. His book on that subject, Torn, is now one of the most widely read in the field and has an updated and expanded version coming out in May of 2024. Justin’s most recent book, Talking Across the Divide: How to Communicate with People You Disagree With and Maybe Even Change the World, draws on psychological research and real-world examples to apply these same techniques to navigating all sorts of interpersonal conflicts, including political, social, and family divides. Justin has co-hosted three podcasts, spoken in seven countries, and founded two successful nonprofit organizations. He has been featured in numerous media outlets, including The New York Times, Dr. Phil, Anderson Cooper 360, and All Things Considered; and interviewed by hosts ranging from Bill Maher to Laura Ingraham.