Volunteer on One of Our Subcommittees


TAMFT is excited to announce an opportunity for passionate and dedicated individuals to join our Membership Committee and its various subcommittees. This is your chance to significantly impact our professional community while connecting with fellow Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs) across the state.

Why Join Us?

We are constantly supporting, advocating, and actively engaging our legislative committees so that LMFTs are adequately represented at our state level. The PAC fund is what helps to have this happen. Thanks to your donations, we have:

  • Passionate About Your Professional Identity: Embrace your role as an MFT and help us build an inclusive, state-wide professional community. Show your enthusiasm for systemic work by assisting in the recruitment and retention of licensed MFTs in Texas.
  • Committed to Expanding TAMFT’s Membership: Whether you're a graduate student, associate, fully-licensed LMFT, or LMFT-supervisor, we need your help to engage members at every stage of their professional journey—from the beginning of licensure through retirement.
  • Skilled in Writing and Social Media: If you have a knack for creating engaging content, we need you! We're looking for a Newsletter Editor and individuals who can develop user-friendly social media content that reaches and respects all members. Your creativity can help engage current members and attract new ones.

How You Can Contribute

The structure of TAMFT’s Membership Committee and its subcommittees’ projects are described below.

Subcommittee Size Project Description Time Commitment
Recruitment and Retention 3 Members Survey Development to identify member interests, needs, and barriers to membership and retention. Ongoing. Surveys are developed annually and issued in the Nov-Dec timeframe.
Awards 3 Members In partnership with the Conference Committee to nominate and select TAMFT members to be recognized as annual award recipients. Call for Nominations: Nov-Dec.
Review of nominations: Jan 
Ordering of Awards: Feb 
Student Membership Drive  3 Members Annual Fall competition amongst Texas universities to recruit graduate students to join TAMFT at the student membership category level. Planning: Summer
Communication with universities: August
Launch: September-October
Mentorship Program  3 Members **UPCOMING**
The Membership Committee seeks to launch a mentorship program linking experienced LMFTs and LMFT-Supervisors to LMFT-Associates, new(er) fully licensed individuals, and less experienced supervisors for professional mentorship.
Not yet established. Proposed implementation during Annual Conference.
Communications  3 Members Newly adopted subcommittee that develops and issues themed quarterly newsletters for the membership. This sub-committee also engages the membership through the development of social media content, advertising, and marketing events of TAMFT. Quarterly Newsletters:

Winter – January

Spring – April ​

Summer – July

Fall – October

Social Media – Ongoing


What Is the Time Commitment?

The executives of the Membership Committee volunteer approximately 5 hours a month in the following capacities: preparation for, leading, and documenting committee meetings, communicating with other TAMFT committees & association members, and executing tasks to complete annual initiatives/projects.

Members of the membership subcommittees volunteer approximately 2-3 hours per month to attend monthly meetings and complete duties related to their subcommittee projects. See the table above for general timeframes regarding the various subcommittee projects.

**ADDITIONAL BONUS: The Membership Committee organizes committee retreats twice a year. These optional retreats have been held in person and virtually, fostering committee member cohesion while providing dedicated work time for committee projects.

What Are the Benefits of Serving on the Membership Committee?

By volunteering your time and energy to this committee, you will be involved in supporting the growth,professional development, and recognition of TAMFT members. You will be able to network with like-minded MFTs and learn valuable leadership and event coordination skills.

Committee service is an excellent resume-builder, and it may also set you on a path toward being elected for TAMFT Board Service in the future!