BHEC Restores SW Anti-Discrimination Language

BHEC Votes to Restore Anti-Discrimination Language in 

Social Worker Code of Conduct 


While the meeting continues, the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council (BHEC) voted unanimously to restore the original rule language in connection with anti-discrimination provisions contained in the social worker code of conduct, which is welcome news! Also, the BHEC Board, which individually and collectively denounced any intention to discriminate, voted to seek an Attorney General’s opinion regarding the legal appropriateness of the code’s nondiscrimination protections in relation to the conformity with state and federal law.

As previously reported to our members, TAMFT’s rules were not under discussion; however out of concern about the potentially precedent setting process and policy involvement between the social worker’s licensure board and the BHEC, TAMFT decided to weigh in on the matter (see statement here). Additionally, TAMFT Board of Directors Legislative Liaison, Dr. Paul Stanford, addressed the BHEC today, providing testimony consistent with the anti-discrimination and ethical practices that are essential to all mental health licensees.

TAMFT continues to work closely with the National Association of Social Workers, Texas Chapter, the Texas Society for Clinical Social Work, the Texas Counseling Association, the Texas Psychological Association, and others on a variety of state policy and regulatory issues designed to facilitate access to care, and protect the health and safety of the public.

Overall, TAMFT is pleased with BHEC’s vote and will continue to keep our members informed on the AG opinion process and other policy issues of interest.

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